pHash Alogirithm

感知哈希算法 在数字图像处理领域中,认为图像在本质上是一种信号,表达图像的方式有两种,一种是时域方式,它由点阵构成,里面的每一个点存储着该位置

Speed of copying big file from samba server plummets

I was wathcing a movie located on my Home Server today, and all of a sudden, it became stuttering.I suspected it was MPV’s fault, so I tried another media player, unfortunately, it wasn’t. So, I decided to copy the movie to my local machine first. During the process I noticed something odd: My home network speed is 1Gbps, which means the copying speed should be somewhere around 120Mb. And it was starting at 115Mb, then plummeted quickly.


缘起 compton 是 X11 下给程序加透明背景的 compositor。前阵子,为了得到一个透明背景模糊的效果,我使用了 compton 的一个 dual_kawase 的分支。虽然平时使用时感觉不出

threading vs async

前言 本文旨在探讨__单一线程中线程模型和异步模型在完成类似的功能下的区别__, 而由于进程管理(如gunicorn/pm2等)和架构上的优化(